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The Ultimate Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

The Ultimate Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

Importance & Benefits of a Clean Bathroom

A clean bathroom is not only visually appealing but also assists in maintaining good health and well-being. Without regular cleaning, bathrooms can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, germs, mold, and other contaminants that can pose health risks to us and our families.

Consistency is key when it comes to cleaning, and by dedicating a specific time or day each week to clean your bathroom, you'll find that the task becomes more manageable and less overwhelming. Additionally, a clean bathroom contributes to a positive state of mind. The act of cleaning can be therapeutic, providing a sense of control and satisfaction over your living environment. Walking into a freshly cleaned bathroom can uplift your mood and contribute to a sense of tranquility and relaxation. It helps in maintaining a sense of order and organization in your living spaces, and promotes a sense of pride and accomplishment.

In this article, we'll guide you through the steps of creating the ultimate weekly bathroom cleaning checklist. By following this guide, you'll not only ensure a pristine and hygienic space but also enjoy the many benefits of maintaining a clean and inviting bathroom.

Essential Cleaning Supplies

To embark on your weekly bathroom cleaning journey, it's essential to assemble the right tools and products. Having the appropriate cleaning supplies at your disposal ensures that you can tackle each cleaning task without dreading each step. Here's a list of essential cleaning supplies you'll need on a regular basis:

  • All-purpose cleaner: An effective all-purpose cleaner is suitable for various surfaces like countertops, sinks, and tiles.
  • Toilet bowl cleaner: A specialized toilet bowl cleaner with disinfectant properties helps tackle germs and stains in this specific area.
  • Glass cleaner: A streak-free glass cleaner ensures a crystal-clear shine for mirrors and glass surfaces.
  • Scrub brushes and sponges: Different brushes and sponges cater to various surfaces and textures, making scrubbing easier and more thorough.
  • Microfiber cloths: These soft, lint-free cloths are excellent for wiping and polishing surfaces without leaving streaks or scratches. This is especially important if you want to preserve the  finish on a faucet. 
  • Vacuum: Begin your floor cleaning routine by vacuuming dust, hair, and debris from the bathroom floor. Tip: Clean the floors last, to ensure no extra debris from other cleaning tasks get left behind.  
  • Mop or steam mop: An effective way to clean and disinfect bathroom floors is with a mop, ensuring a fresh and sanitary space. This should be one of the last steps, so you can let the floors dry without stepping over any freshly washed areas. 

Eco-Friendly Options

If you're conscious about the environment and want to minimize your ecological footprint, consider using eco-friendly cleaning supplies. These alternatives are biodegradable, non-toxic, and often come in recyclable packaging. Some eco-friendly options include:

  • Vinegar and baking soda: A natural powerhouse for cleaning and deodorizing, vinegar and baking soda can be used to tackle various bathroom surfaces.
  • Castile soap: This plant-based soap is gentle yet effective for cleaning sinks, countertops, and even your body.
  • Essential oils: Adding a few drops of essential oils like tea tree, lavender, or lemon to your cleaning solutions can provide a pleasant fragrance and additional cleaning properties.
  • Reusable cleaning cloths: Opt for washable, reusable cleaning cloths to reduce waste from disposable wipes and paper towels.
  • Refillable spray bottles: Use refillable spray bottles to mix and store your homemade cleaning solutions, reducing single-use plastic waste.

Pre-Cleaning Preparation

Clear the bathroom of any clutter and personal items. Remove towels, bathmats, toiletries, and any other items that might obstruct your cleaning efforts. Consider using a basket or container to temporarily store these items, keeping them organized and out of the way. While decluttering, take the opportunity to assess your bathroom essentials and discard expired or unused products.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide

Sink and Countertop

  • Clearing Debris: Begin by removing any items such as soap dispensers, room sprays, and toothbrush holders from the countertop and clearing away debris, such as hair and dust.
  • Sanitizing Surfaces: Spray an all-purpose cleaner in the sink and countertop surfaces. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the area. Pay attention to hard-to-reach nooks near the base of the faucet, handles, and counter edges. 


  • Cleaning the Exterior: Spray a toilet bowl cleaner on the exterior surfaces of the toilet, including the tank, seat, and base. Let it sit for a few minutes to break down stains and germs.
  • Scrubbing the Bowl: Use a toilet brush to scrub the inside of the bowl, focusing on the waterline and under the rim. Flush the toilet to rinse away the cleaner. It’s much harder to clean these areas once the grime has built up, so it’s important to keep this task as a top priority.
  • Toilet Tank: If applicable, clean the tank's exterior and handles using an all-purpose cleaner. It’s best to use separate cleaning towels for each section of the toilet for the utmost sanitary process. 

Shower and Bathtub

  • Removing Soap Scum and Grime: Spray a bathroom cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water on the shower walls, tiles, and bathtub. Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub with a brush or sponge.
  • Treating Mildew and Mold: Since the bathroom is a moisture dense area, if mold or mildew occurs, use a specialized cleaner or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Scrub the affected areas and rinse thoroughly. To prevent future mildew, make sure to well ventilate the room after showering. 
  • Cleaning Shower Curtains or Doors: Wash fabric shower curtains in the washing machine, following care instructions. For plastic or glass doors, clean with a glass cleaner and wipe dry.

Mirrors and Glass

  • Streak-Free Mirror Cleaning: Spray a glass cleaner on mirrors and wipe with a lint-free cloth in a circular motion to prevent streaks.
  • Glass Surfaces and Hardware: Clean glass shelves, windows, and other glass surfaces using the glass cleaner. Wipe down hardware, such as towel bars and drawer pulls.


    • Sweeping or Vacuuming: To remove loose dirt and debris, begin by sweeping or vacuuming the bathroom floor.
    • Mopping and Disinfecting: Fill a bucket with a mixture of warm water and a suitable floor cleaner. Dip a mop into the solution and wring it out well. Mop the floor, starting from the farthest corner and working your way towards the exit.
    • Grout and Tile Cleaning: For tile floors, pay extra attention to the grout lines. Use a grout brush or toothbrush, and a mild grout cleaner to remove dirt and stains.

    Refill, Refresh & Restock

    Don’t forget to refill your soaps, refresh your towels, and restock the tp!

    Special Considerations

    Ventilation and Odor Control

    Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining a fresh and pleasant bathroom environment. After each use, leave the bathroom door ajar or use an exhaust fan to allow moisture to escape, reducing the likelihood of mold and mildew growth. Consider using natural air fresheners like essential oil diffusers or sachets to keep the bathroom smelling inviting.

    Hard Water Stains and Limescale

    Many bathrooms are prone to hard water stains and limescale buildup, especially in areas with high mineral content in the water. To tackle these issues, use a descaling solution or a mixture of vinegar and water. Apply the solution to affected areas, let it sit for a while, and then scrub with a brush or sponge. Regular maintenance can prevent these stubborn stains from becoming a major cleaning challenge.

    Grout and Tile Maintenance

    Grout lines between tiles can accumulate dirt and grime over time. To maintain clean grout, consider sealing it regularly to prevent stains and make cleaning easier. Use a grout brush and gentle cleaner to remove surface dirt. For deep cleaning, mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it to grout lines. Scrub gently and rinse.

    Decluttering and Organizing

    Regularly assess your bathroom's organization and decluttering needs. Use baskets, shelves, and organizers to keep items neatly stored and easily accessible. A clutter-free bathroom not only enhances its visual appeal but also makes cleaning more efficient.

    Daily Touch-Ups & Scheduled Deep Cleaning

    Incorporating quick daily touch-ups can significantly extend the time between deep cleaning sessions. Spend a few minutes each day wiping down surfaces, such as the sink, countertop, and mirror, with a damp cloth. Encourage others to hang up towels and put away toiletries immediately after use. 

    Decluttering and Storage Solutions

    Regularly review your bathroom essentials and declutter items that are expired, unused, or no longer needed. Streamline your collection of products to create a more organized and visually appealing space. Invest in storage solutions that optimize the available space in your bathroom. Consider installing shelves, cabinets, and drawers to keep items neatly organized and out of sight. Utilize baskets, caddies, and containers to group similar items together. If multiple family members share the bathroom, allocate personalized storage spaces for each person. This ensures that everyone's belongings are neatly organized and reduces the chances of clutter.

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